Cynthia Valentine Healey, Ph.D.
Pronouns: she/her or they/them
More about me…
I bring a rare blend of science and heart to my work.
First, the science…with training in psychology, special education and clinical sciences from University of Oregon I have worked with individuals, children, and families in all manner of life circumstances. For over a decade, I worked with cutting edge scientists who are bridging the gap between brain science and the human experience to increase well-being and improve quality of life outcomes. With them, I worked as a co-developer on numerous evidence-based interventions. A significant part of my work has also been training and supervising therapists and interventionists from all over the world as well as graduate students in clinical practice.
I have continued my work to include training in how nutritional and integrative medicine practices address mental health and well-being and I am a Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider. As a licensed psychologist, I bring together the best of what research has to offer in how we can both understand and address what is most important to you right now.
Now, the heart…I am ceaseless in my pursuit to live artfully, in balance and alignment, and with immense joy, love, and acceptance. I passionately live and breathe this intention each day not only for myself but for those I love and with whom I work.
There was a time in my life where I became wildly out of balance and lost sight of who I was and what I was truly here to do. I didn’t even recognize my very own self. After stressing myself into a serious illness I finally woke up and got real about living. What was truly important was thrust into focus and piece-by-piece I found myself remembering who I was again and building a life that was and is a reflection of my deepest heart. My journey through that time was my greatest teacher and the best thing that ever happened to me. It taught me how to truly be well and how to live the life of my dreams. Since then, I have committed my life to the purpose of alleviating unnecessary suffering and making each day count because the only thing I could possibly let myself be afraid of now is regret. It is my greatest honor to work with those who are ready for the same.
Our current circumstances have the potential of being our great teachers, the catalysts for our “aha moment”. I am a lover of the REAL and deeply believe that what is here in front of us is here ultimately to help us. What my own experience taught me and what I have witnessed again and again in others is that we are endlessly resilient, capable, and strong. And when we lose sight of that, we must simply clear the path home to our very own heart. That is what I help you to do. You are always coming home.